Settle down, it'll all be clear...

This morning I awoke still feeling some imposter syndrome feelings, but also with the song, Home, written by Drew Pearson and Greg Holden and performed by Phillip Phillips completely stuck in my head. If you don’t know the song, take a listen.

If you aren’t sure why I am even musing about this, check out this post from last night. I’m feeling and hearing the message loud and clear. Settle down. Yup, always words I need to hear.

The Breathing App


In my yoga teacher training, my meditation teacher introduced us to The Breathing App. It’s pretty wonderful. It helps facilitate ratio breathing and resonance breathing. While I love being able to use it as a meditation tool, I also immediately thought about its uses in the voice studio. Here are a few reasons I like it in the voice studio…

  • Students are able to create and cultivate a deep breathing habit on their own or the beginning of each lesson

  • It’s free! Yup, completely free!

  • There are different cue screens to guide your breath management, a count down cue screen, a visual of a growing or shrinking ball (much like a Hoberman Sphere,) and a completely aural cue screen

  • The interface is very simple, clean and easy to use

Looking for something to help with your meditation practice or help you learn to manage the length of your inhales or exhales?

Kids Meet an Opera Singer

I love it when we can have authentic experience. It’s so much more beneficial for humans to learn from another human than from a book or video. That being said, watch this video from HiHo Kids. The authenticity of the kids in it as well as the singer they interact with cannot be denied. It soars through the screen.

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Moving Into the School Year

It’s unbelievable how quickly the summer went.  I spent time in Vail, Colorado with the Colorado Children’s Chorale helping direct a choral workshop for elementary aged students.  My church family traveled to Mexico to Casa de la Esperanza, a children’s home.  My husband and I have gone down at least once a year since 2010.  I was so happy to get to go down again this summer even though hubby couldn’t go.  Hubby couldn’t go because he was presenting at the Chorus America national conference on his project, Vocal Coalition.  I wasn’t able to hear him present, but was so excited to go spend some time in Chicago with him after the conference concluded.  

July gave me some time to set a summer routine.  It consisted of yoga, dog walking, and voice lessons. I joined a yoga studio close to my home and am so happy I did.  I love to community that I’ve found there, it’s so friendly.  

School has started and I am working afternoons only for the school district.  I go in around 11:30 and work until school gets out then head home for my own private lesson students.  It’s been delightful to have mornings to do as I please.  Thus far, I’ve been heading to yoga a couple times a week and trying to schedule at least one morning a week for breakfast with a friend.  Hubby and I will have a day set aside for us.  I’m hoping to carve out some studio admin time in there as well.   

It’s been a great transition back so far.  I don’t feel nearly as stressed as I have in years past.  That’s the biggest win ever for me.   

Even though you might not be transitioning into the school year right now, there is something about the end of summer and beginning of fall.  The equinox is about a month away.  Take some time to take stock.  What might you change as you move into autumn?  This season teaches us about letting go of what doesn’t serve us or is no longer needed.  What does that look like for you? 

My new classroom!

My new classroom!


I could feel it happening the next to last day of school.  I did not expect to see her yet.  Her earlier-than-expected arrival took me by surprise.  

Summer Emily.   

Summer Emily is me when I’m not teaching.  Summer Emily isn’t as concerned about bedtime.  Summer Emily likes to tackle projects of all sizes.  Summer Emily often has dirty hands from the garden.  Summer Emily is more spontaneous.  She laughs a lot.  Summer Emily is often described by Teacher Emily as the best version of her(my?)self.  

When I recently described Summer Emily I paused.  The fact that I am not “the best version” of myself nine months out of the year hurt me.  Why couldn’t I be the same all twelve months?   

This summer my goal is to make Summer Emily the only Emily.  I want to set up habits so that when the school year starts, Summer Emily just continues hanging around.  I’ll talk more about my plans for that soon, but for now: meet Summer Emily.  



I love seeing people disarmed in airports.  Disarmed of their image, how they might represent themselves, their emotions.  If you are familiar with John Mayer’s song Wheel from Heavier Things, you might know what I’m talking about.  It plays on repeat in my head most times I’m in an airport.  


Standing in security with so many other people makes my imagination go crazy.  Where are they going?  Where are they coming from?  Are they looking forward to their journey?  Who is picking them up? 


My most favorite thing is noticing the small things.  The impeccably dressed woman who takes off her designer boots and is wearing mismatched socks.  The drink order of the person next to me.  The luggage of flight crews.   The laptop stickers on the laptop going through security ahead of me.  


The weird sense of community in airports is also interesting.  A man stood behind me today at the ticket counter.  He openly began to tell me about how the airline had lost his luggage and he had no idea what to wear to work tomorrow in this city far from home.  Flying out the other day a woman told me about how the airline had lost her reservation.  She pulled out her phone and showed me the charge as she waited in frustration.  Where else do people engage others in conversation so readily?  Where else will we run like crazy people, huffing, shoes in hand, in front of strangers?  Where else do you put on make up in a public restroom?   


Listen to Wheel  next time you’re in the airport and enjoy some serious curiosity.  



Three Simple Thoughts on Staying Well

It's cold and flu season where I live.  Through the magic of social media I've watched this particularly nasty strain of flu makes its way west.  I've been dreading it.  Illness is practically an occupational hazard working with 300 elementary students in addition to all my private lesson students not to mention regular everyday encounters with humanity.  So far (knock wood!) I've managed to avoid anything major.  The slightly superstitious part of me was terrified to write that!  Read on for my routine.

Rest I wanted to write "sleep," but that's not always as doable.  By "rest" I mean, if you are exhausted- stop.  Stop talking, stop doing, stop.  Just be still.  That might mean the laundry stays unfolded (again.)  That might mean that you change plans with friends.  Listen to your body- it might just need some rest.  

Hydrate Do this thing.  Do it again.  Repeat.  Our bodies need fluids to function optimally.  Don't get me started on how dehydrated most humans are, just start drinking.  Sorry coffee drinkers, this one won't be your favorite.  The caffeine in coffee and other caffeinated drinks acts as a diuretic.  It's stripping the moisture out of your system.  It will take double the amount you just consumed to get you back to where you started before the first sip hit your lips.  My favorite drinks, in lieu of plain-jane water, are herbal teas, and honey/lemon/ginger tea.  To make this, just cut up some lemons (sometimes I use limes) in a jar, add some thinly sliced ginger, and pour honey over the top.  Let that sit overnight then just put a couple spoonfuls into a cup of hot water.  The honey is antibacterial, the lemon is packed with vitamin C, and the ginger is an added boost to the immune system.  Bonus points if you use local honey.

Do something that makes you happy If I told you that you had the next two days off as paid leave, what would you do with that time?  Meet up with a friend?  Go outside?  Only you can answer that question.  Think for a minute.  . . .  Got it?  Great, now, try to do that thing more regularly.  

I raise my cup of herbal tea to you and toast your good health and happiness.  Cheers!


Nope, I’m not a doctor or any kind of health care professional.  I’m just writing what works for me.  Try it at your own risk.  

Happy Thoughts

a sunny day . bare feet . a warm drink . the smell of lavender . sleeping just a bit later . walking over fresh snow . petting my dog . connecting with friends . being in the mountains . my favorite stories . essential oils . yoga . singing well . a delicious hug . new sheets on the bed . a fully charged phone . the glow of a Himalayan salt lamp . my dog snuggled into her bed . comfy clothes . a happy home . transplanted plants taking root . a newly tuned piano . a clean house . natural light . three days weekends . no make up . snuggles . a new voice student . salvation . the family I was born with . the family I choose . new possibilities . stretching . love . promises


On resting and stretching


The city I live in boasts a symphonic chorus that performs a great deal.  A typical season includes five or six productions, each running two to three performances.  The time commitment is demanding.  The chorus is made up of auditioned volunteers.  Every week people drive in from suburbs and neighboring cities to sing together.  After nine years of this, I was tired.  I needed my Tuesday nights back.  I needed production weeks back.  I needed time to devote to my students more consistently.  I needed rest.  I took a leave of absence.  

It's been necessary.  Of course I missed seeing the excited children in the audience during our holiday season offerings.  Of course I miss seeing friends I've spent three to fifteen hours a week with for years.  Of course I missed singing some old favorites.  But it was good to gain some needed rest time.  

It was also good to go back this past Tuesday night.  It was nice to feel missed.  It was fun to get many hugs and greetings.  It was good to sing something with a wider pitch range than the five note scale.  It felt like stretching.  Stretching after a great nap.  Stretching after breathing in savasana for twenty minutes.  

We humans need rest and we need stretching.  I've become more and more convinced as I grow that our bodies and brains should and often desire to follow the seasons.  They seek circadian rhythm.  We desire the ebb and the flow.  

After a long week, complete with stretching in numerous ways, I am grateful for the quiet of today's snow.  Rest, stretch, repeat.  

How do I find the best music teacher for me?

So, you've decided you want to take private music lessons.  How do you find the best teacher for you?  Of course you could check out the internet with a quick search of teachers in your area.  Duh.  I've got insider advice for you though- contact your local high school band or choral teacher and ask them.  They've got a list a mile long of teachers in your area and will likely have worked with those individuals in one way or another.  It's that easy.  High school directors are the best managers I know.  They motivate.  They enable the creation of deep beauty.  They manage every aspect of their programs.  They just know.  Ask anyone who has been through a high school music program and they will get misty eyed sharing stories about community.  A person that knows how communities work is the person to ask about starting your own musical journey.  Ninety percent of my clients come to me through the recommendations of three or four great teachers in my area.  Every time a potential client says they heard about me from a high school director, I am humbled.  Stepping out to try something new can feel risky.  Ask the people that facilate risk taking everyday and you're sure to take get a great recommendation. 
